Giving and Going - Above and Beyond
Summit InterNational is a simultaneous call to be on mission - in our Backyard and Beyond and around the world. The goal is to go beyond normal tithing to fund missions and partnerships in Central America. Right now these partners are in Costa Rica and Guatemala but we will go where the Lord sends us.
Summit InterNational relies on support from our church family, individuals, corporations, businesses and organizations. Our goal is to build an enduring financial and prayer relationship that will support mission projects throughout our community and throughout the world.

Serving in some of the most desperate environments, Engadi Ministries reaches out to the children of Guatemala’s most violent and impoverished slums, primarily Zone 18, to help them realize their Christ-given potential. Engadi works to break the circle of gangs and extreme poverty by helping children and young people see a way forward to a brighter future found in Jesus Christ.

Inca Link Guatemala (ILG) works with local ministries to break the cycles of extreme poverty. Creación de Dios works with children from different areas of Guatemala (focusing on Zone 18) to improve their spiritual and physical situation. They provide spiritual direction as well as spaces, tools and materials for the children's academic and technical advancement.

Operating in the capital city of San José, Inca Link Costa Rica (ILCR) works to build partnerships with local churches through a variety of youth programs including Inca Arte (art), Inca Lengua (language skills), and Los Tucanes Basketball Club. ILCR is striving to establish an active and ongoing community ministry in Costa Rica.