Our mission is that we exist to love God, love others, and invite all people to do the same. Let the love of Christ shine through you by getting connected to serve with our church family, community, and around the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Children's Ministry
The primary purpose of our Children’s Ministry is to partner with families to support them as they raise the next generation. A generation that loves God and displays that love by loving Him, loving others, and inviting all people to do the same.

Worship Ministry
We’re excited that you’re interested in being a part of the worship team at Summit! It is a fun, challenging, and rewarding ministry. If God has gifted you with musical or technical talent, we want you to be able to use it for His glory!

Student Ministry
The mission of the Student Ministry is to bring about life change. We do this by producing students who love God, love others, and train others to do the same. We want students to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in community with the church, serve others through ministry, and go out to fulfill the Great Commission.

Welcome Team & Prayer Team
Prayer and loving people are two of the most important aspects of our church. First Impression Team members are our frontline to showing people week after week the love of Christ the moment they enter our premises. Our Prayer Team spends time in deep prayer each week for the pastor and for our congregation, praying that God will move in the lives at Summit.

Local Outreach
Summit supports local missions, including Burke United Christian Ministries, House of Refuge, and other local outreach missions, such as serving young students at the Andrade Center, building ramps and making home repairs through Serve 365, and a host of Mission Motown projects.

International Missions
Reaching the world is a simultaneous call to be on mission - in our Backyard and Beyond and around the world. The goal is to serve all throughout Central America but right now, our partners are in Costa Rica and Guatemala. As SCCInterNational, we will go where the Lord sends us.